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Re: [ARSCLIST] Beginner's question RE: digital recordings

David Lewiston wrote:

Computer noise bleedthrough is only a problem with cheaper cards aimed at undemanding users, rather than audio professionals. Cards from companies like RME, Lynx, and Marian are exceptionally well-shielded and do not suffer from this problem. It's my impression (not personal experience, you understand) that the M Audio Audiophile is decently shielded.

Oooh, that's good to know. A friend of mine built a portable 6-channel recording device based on the M-Audio Delta 66 and I was very impressed with it, but thought the external breakout box was a real hassle.

I've always wanted to build my own, and you've gotten me one step closer.

(Although I always thought a USB or Firewire external box would be
sufficient to convert an ordinary laptop into a portable recording sytem.)


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