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Re: [ARSCLIST] DVD audio level

I find that it is the rare exception that the level on the DVD is
at the same level as the tv channels - usually have to increase volume to get
reasonable level when playing dvd's. There are some dvd's on which the sound
level is extremely low, e.g. A Farewell To Arms 1932 Image release (seems to have been deleted).
Best wishes, Thomas.

David Lennick wrote:

Mike Richter wrote:

David Lennick wrote:

By the way, can anyone tell me why most DVDs are mastered at such low levels?
Then you go to the special features and burst your eardrums. $1 DVDs tend to
have normal audio levels as well.


Are you sure you haven't reversed the situation? I've yet to encounter a
DVD in which peak level was significantly below the maximum for
reproduction. What I do find is that most commercial DVDs avoid the
extreme saturation and clipping common in CD-DA.

If my experience is right, you are accustomed to substantial
overrecording and faulting DVDs for not falling for it.


Potato, potahto..the fact remains that the main audio tracks on DVDs are at about half the volume used for supplementary tracks, and those are at levels similar to commercial CDs, all of which I play in the same machine. Avoiding saturation is nice, but avoiding having to get up and turn up the volume would be nicer. Just curious why this is done. Laserdiscs also had low audio levels on the digital tracks.


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