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Re: [ARSCLIST] Stereo records.

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

Don Chichester continued:

> In a message dated 6/20/2006 11:20:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  
> rjhodge@xxxxxxx writes:
> About  Compression,
> Does any one of this generation really know how  uncompressed audio is
> supposed to sound ? 
> Years ago (!) I recorded high school concerts, orchestras, choirs, etc. as  an
> avocation (LPs for sale).  I still have those tapes.  In spite of  being of
> amateurs, they sound great!  Plenty of HS gym ambience, too!   BUT NO
> COMPRESSION!  Of course, I had to ride gain sometimes, but very 
> conservatively.  Yes, I know how uncompressed audio is supposed to  sound.

----- I would say that the only source of uncompressed audio to be used as an 
absolute reference is live sound, without PA, please! I have heard small jazz 
combos in small rooms using PA for the saxophone and drums, for goodness 
sake! Those are not my reference. The cheapest reference all around used to 
be baroque music played in the performance practice style, because they did 
not charge very much ticketwise. A lot of my input 25 years ago came from 
that - I was poor.

----- I'll admit that for relative reference - the comparison of recordings - 
uncompressed recordings are required. 

----- the use of distortion for creating sound effects is obviously 
legitimate. It is the use of distorted sound in retainment camps that is 

Kind regards,


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