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[ARSCLIST] John French (was RE: Ampex 456 - tip of the iceberg...chemistry)

Hi --

> At 09:36 PM 6/19/2006, Scott Phillips wrote:
> >I second that. John has never, ever disappointed me in the 
> 28 years I've
> >sent heads and/or stacks to him. They always were finished perfectly,
> >and on time. None of it was 'custom' work, which might be different,
> >still...

Not different at all!

Actually, John has done a lot of excellent custom work for us. Below is
a link where (amongst lots of other tape machine restoration info)
you'll find pictures and discussion regarding three out of several
custom head assemblies. Just scroll down through the page as they are in
three different sections. 

Make sure you don't miss the custom 1" 4-track head assembly in the
Ampex MR70 section. John totally outdid himself on that one.



-- Steve

Steve Puntolillo
Sonicraft A2DX Lab - Ultimate A_nalog 2 D_igital X_fers

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