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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dual Cassette conundrum

I have one of that model, and it stopped recording at one point - since I have others it just got put in storage. Not helpful, but similar experience. If you need mine for parts write me offlist. Might just be a record relay, or even a cold solder joint on the board. An experienced tech shuld be able to fix it up easily, parts might be the only diificulty.

Have you cleaned it well, and all?

I'm in California if you need it...

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Jun 6, 2006, at 12:57 PM, Klara Foeller wrote:

Hello all,

Our oral historian just called me to tell me that his 12 year old, Sony TC-WR545 dual cassette recorder is not recording Channel 2. The player module is reading the second channel audio, but the recording module isn't. My dam silly idea was that a capstan might be dirty somewhere, but other than that lame suggestion, I have no idea what's with the machine. I did ask if he had a manual (of course not) and suggested an upgrade of equipment.

Any bright ideas anyone?

Klara Foeller, Curator
Moving Image & Sound Collections
Missouri Historical Society

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