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Re: [ARSCLIST] Further thoughts on the new CLIR report. DVDs

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sam Brylawski" <goodlistening@xxxxxxxxx>
> The report did not intend suggest that DVD be considered a storage
> It stated that DVDs were beginning to replace CDs. This is an
> acknowledgement of the push by companies toward DVD Audio as a consumer
> medium, not an archival medium. The context in which DVDs are entioned
> report is within the discussion of sampling rates, not archival media.
Question for the technically knowledgeable...

Since CD's and DVD's are (AFAIK) more or less the "same animal" and
operate by pressing (or "burning") pits into the surface of a plastic
disc, why should there be any difference in the lifespan of the two?

Do the littler "holes" fill themselves up more rapidly?

Steven C. Barr

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