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Re: [ARSCLIST] Further thoughts on the new CLIR report. DVDs

Steven Smolian wrote:
This report suggests the use of DVDs, recorded at 24/96, be considered as a standard on which preservation work would be stored.

We know from last year's (?) NIST report on optical media longevity that the only medium truly capable of long-term, reliable storage is a CD with a gold reflective layer. Unless it slipped past my radar, there is no such recordable DVD at present. Using a DVD for long-term stoage appears as much of a gamble as using anything but gold for similarly intended CD storage.

It follows that archivally-intended projects for which the final storage medium is the DVD should also be preserved at 44.1/16 on gold CDs until there is a gold DVD on the market.

It is believed that the breakdown mechanisms for DVD are fundamentally different from those for CD. Hence, longevity does not depend on the metallizing and other factors that do afect CDs.

Who knows - it might even be true.


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