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Re: [ARSCLIST] Casette duplicator, was: 1/4" audio tape digitizing

What Model # is it?

Bob Hodge

>>> loujudson@xxxxxxx 2/13/2006 1:26 PM >>>
This is way off topic, but maybe someone knows: A client gave me their 
old Otari (8x, stereo) in-cassette duplicator, and another client who 
still sells cassettes could use it, if I could get it working. I cannot 
find anything online about it, even on an Otari user list. Any hints 
about getting a manual for it? I remember back in its day this was a 
much better machine than any of the Sony or Telex in-cassette 
copiers... I hate sending fine machinery to landfills, though it has a 
rugged road case... but obsolete is obsolete!


Lou Judson * Intuitive Audio

On Feb 13, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Richard L. Hess wrote:

> The best duplicators were probably Ampex and Gauss, but you'll need to 
> scrounge up lines that are being discontinued. Probably the only ones 
> still working are for 0.150" tape for cassettes. Most of the 0.250" 
> ones have been parted out or are in landfills.

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