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Re: [ARSCLIST] Memorex CDs and more!

In a message dated 1/13/2006 10:08:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Add to that the copyrights and how they inhibit archives. Then I consider how
the copyrights inhibit the private sector from participating in the
process of digitization.

It is very tempting to me to start digitizing everything I have and dumping 
it into the Internet Archive, posting it on a Newsgroup, or placing it on a 
transient web page on AOL or Roadrunner just in the hope that it will end up 
somewhere that will last for a generation or so.

However the rights issue is a real deterrent to this. If I were totally 
without financial resources, this might not matter. But I have to finance 

This is why a "permanent" hard medium is so desirable. It would allow the 
digital files to be passed on to a time beyond copyright or at least beyond the 
time when I could care.

Mike Csontos

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