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Re: [ARSCLIST] Pirated Mengelberg 78s

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Lennick" <dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I recently found the Beethoven Eroica on "World's Greatest Symphonies", in
two 3-disc
> albums, and I'd bet it's the Mengelberg although I haven't made a direct
comparison yet. The
> transfer is actually half-decent, from the little I sampled. But some of
those Obie dubs are
> really horrible, full of wow, running onto the label, you name it.
> I have the New World on a couple of labels..Philharmonic, Masterpiece.
Isn't that the one
> that was issued as "Havana Symphony Orchestra" in one incarnation?
Well, when this was going on, our relationship with Germany
wasn't such that any copyright disputes would have been
settled in courts of law...


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