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[ARSCLIST] Pirated Mengelberg 78s

  This software doesn't seem to enable me to quote anyone's messages, so 
after saying that I've enjoyed the discussion I'll say about Obie, pirates, et.al. 
that Mengelberg's Concertgebouw recording of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony 
(Telefunken SK 2424/9) was pirated on the "Music Appreciation Recordings of the 
World's Greatest Music" 78 series. The labels say "World's Greatest 
Symphonies," the disc numbers are X-40/44, and they are in a flimsy album with a leaflet 
of notes. The labels say "Copyright 1941 Music Appreciation Projects, Inc." 

  I used to also have a set of Dvorak's New World in this series but was 
never able to identify what the souce recording might have been. It wasn't the 
Mengelberg Telefunken; Mengelberg is always unmistakable.

  Don Tait

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