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Re: [ARSCLIST] ruminations on the ARSClist-was: message board vs. listserv

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brandon Burke" <burke@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Seems we're providing a bountiful wealth of knowledge to the
> public...provided they're wiling to cross a swamp to get it.  (Again, this
> goes back to the question about whom our target audiences are for these
> posts.)
Sadly, this is true of any dissemination of knowledge...including print
media as well as net-related projects. It would be true of a complete
backfile of Record Research (or other 78-related periodicals) as well,
I would suppose, of a complete archive of ARSC (or other record-related
groups) programs and publications. This is probably due to the fact
that people are human beings, with all the good and bad that fact
might imply.

Further, each of us (or each of any similar body) has interests
of our own...and in most cases a lack of interest in information
on other things! Thus, a discussion of technological (or, say,
symphony-related) minutiae would be welcomed by some, while
regarded by others as a waste of time and resources.

The "signal to noise ratio" of any form of intercommunication
is always dependent on what the person doing the calculating
defines as "noise!"...

Steven C. Barr

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