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[ARSCLIST] ruminations on the ARSClist-was: message board vs. listserv

As of this evening there are 633 subscribers to this list and from my discussions with other ARSC members most expect a high signal-to-noise ratio (hopefully at least CD quality) from this list. As George B-N pointed out, we are approaching or have passed 10,000 posts to this list since it was begun back in 1999. That's quite a milestone considering we've never had a flamewar or a mass exodus and the number of list members grows slowly but steadily.

I'm not speaking for the ARSC Board here, but the Board has discussed the pros and cons of message boards vs. listservs for precisely the reasons that have been brought up. Since this is a listserv--with the faults that come with it--we should all keep in mind that our posts go out to all 633 people on this list and that everybody has to hit the delete key for every frivolous post and the more often they have to hit delete, the less likely they are to stick around and contribute. Obviously not all posts can be interesting to everybody but we should always try to give some thought as to whether a reply should be on or off list and to make sure that something substantive is being added to the discussion. We should also keep in mind that the majority of subscribers don't post or post infrequently. In my opinion these people are also an important part of this forum and we should post with the full membership of the list in mind--not just the frequent posters--because when they chime in (often offlist) with the answer to your question, you are really glad they are on the list.

The beauty of ARSC is the huge variety of interests and specializations of the membership but it also means that not everything is of interest to everybody. ARSC is the only organization I know of that intentionally brings together the archivists/librarians, the scholars, the technicians, and the collectors in a given field. When the ARSC Board voted to set up this list in Madison in 1998 it was set up with the intent to have a forum for ARSC members to exchange information at a professional level that was not encumbered with the chit-chat found on collectors' lists. I think we've largely succeeded, but it takes effort on the part of all subscribers to post intelligently and with restraint in order to keep it going.

Lastly, this is the ARSClist, and while it is an open forum, it reflects the organization and membership of ARSC. If you aren't a member and have found yourself here, please consider joining and participating in the broader activities of the organization.

Anyway, I've used more than my share of bandwidth in the last few days, so I'll shut up now for a couple of weeks....

David Seubert

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