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[ARSCLIST] electronic reading of physical media, was: Preservation policy question

This is great food for future-thinking - does anyone think it will eventually become possible to make an image scan of a disc and have the computer read it, in the way a scanner and OCR can turn documents into type or ASCII code? And eventually magnetic tape might be read, the way we used to use chemicals to make magnetic patterns visible? I would think it was easily possible given advanced anough computers and software...

After all, I invented (in my imagination only!) memory chip delivery of music when I was 14 in the 60s... now look at us... if only I'd had the skills to manifest it then!

Fantasy becomes reality someday...


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Dec 9, 2005, at 8:59 AM, Karl Miller wrote:

To which I would add...while we believe we can get the best from any
original, I always keep originals simply because I believe there is always
the possibility that technology will give us better capture in the future.
I would hate to think of some lacquer discs being tossed after transfer
considering some of the possible use of the imaging technology for capture
becoming economically viable in the not too distant future. Perhaps we
could have, or perhaps there is, some technology to capture, without direct
contact to a playback head, audio from magnetic tape.

As for what you keep, versus your available space...that is a rough
question at any time...


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