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Re: [ARSCLIST] MP3 bit rates and usage factors for Web pages

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Trey Bunn wrote:

> As far as restrictions go, we're just going to let
> them be downloadable MP3s.  If someone wants to save
> 60 seconds of an old lady from South Carolina
> describing how she learned quilting from her
> grandmother and put it on their iPod, I doubt the RIAA
> is going to hunt us down and kill us.

I know this may sound absurd...and it does to me...but, unless
you have a signed release, that old lady, her heirs, and/or their
lawyer(s) could end up knocking at your door.

And then, speaking of old ladies, there was the recent situation where
they went after a grandmother who was charged with illegally downloading
music. As I recall she didn't even have a computer...which reminds me of
the movie "Brazil"...Buttle versus Tuttle. If you don't know the movie, I
can, off list, explain the reference.

As for me, I would wonder, how important is it to make her description of
quilting available to the world...obviously, I'm not into quilting.


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