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Re: [ARSCLIST] 78rpm EQ and postprocessing

Hi Charles:

Would you be willing to share some of your before and after sound files,
just snippets are fine? I'm always interested in how far one can push the
various digi-fixes before they go artifact-crazy or start taking out
meaningful chunks of musical content. My experience is you can push much
harder with voice-only content or mainly-voice content, although taking out
too much "air and space" around the human voice greatly reduces audibility.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles Lawson" <clawson@xxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] 78rpm EQ and postprocessing

> Tom Fine wrote:
> >
> >I'm sure Diamond Cut can be made to work very well, but their own "before
> >
> >and after" page shows some really disasterous overuse of the software:
> >
> >http://www.diamondcut.com/BeforeAfter/usersamps.htm
> The user samples there are not the best representation of what the
> can do.  There are times when DC6 results surpass those from Cedar, Waves,
> Algorithmix and Sony.  (I've tried 'em all.)  The different packages yield
> different results on different materials...and user settings are
> I have been able to use DC6 to get spectacular results where the other
> packages have failed and vice versa.  Ya gotta try 'em all to find out
> works best in a particular circumstance.  I almost never use the same
> settings twice with any of these packages.  The last successful
> may prove to be only the starting point for the next project.
> Patience, patience, patience....
> Chas.
> --
> Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxx>
> Recording/Production/Broadcast Engineer
> WETA Radio <http://www.weta.org/fm/>
> Washington, DC

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