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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD-ROM marking pens

Oh! So you have to carry an electronic reader to find things? I am completely unfamiliar with such large facility storage, so it only seems odd to me... Does the bar code or catalog tell you where to go looking for it? My paltry imagination sees you passing a wand over millions of CD boxes in serch of the one you want, but I am sure it is more organized than that!

How frosty is it in London now? We had a chilly 50 degrees F last night in San Francisco. Warmer than it is in July at night! Watiing fo rain...


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Nov 21, 2005, at 2:04 AM, Bewley, Nigel wrote:

The discs go in a jewel case which is bar coded. 25 jewel cased CDs
then go in a specially made cardboard box with the bar code range
written on the outside and this box joins the thousands of others in our
storage area.

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