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Re: [ARSCLIST] More on cataloging

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Steven C. Barr wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Karl Miller" <lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > For me, I see both preservation and cataloging to be part of the same
> > challenge and inextricably connected.
> >
> To some extent they are...although I'm not sure about "inextricably!"

What I meant...
For me, information about information is information and all information
(digital) presents us with the some of the same challenges, even if file
size can differ greatly and making allowances for error correction...etc.

> If sound recordings are to be collected and archived, it will become
> necessary to create a related database detailing what is in that
> archive and how to find it, as well as (one hopes) as much discographic
> data as possible on said recordings!

As we have track listings on CDs with the potential of discographic
information running parallel to the audio?

> Jon Noring was, a while ago, talking of the creation of "Project
> Gramophone," which was to include both an archive of 78rpm
> recorded sounds and a discographic/descriptive database covering
> the archived recordings.
> Actually, the database would be a simpler task. Assume about
> 5 million issued 78's (5 megadiscs?) comprising about 9.9 million
> sides. If we assume 2KB of data per recording (side) we will
> need 19.8GB of storage...well under available hard-disk capacity.
> OTOH, if we assume 2MB per sound file (which is probably an
> underestimate) and we need 19.8 terabytes (!) of storage for
> a full archive...or about 80 250GB drives...

I also wonder...19.8 terabytes does not seem to me as overwhelming a
notion as it did even five years ago...let's see now...that would be about
20 HVD's right? And then if we have refined the high resolution scanning
(Haber and Fadeyev) process we could get it all done rather
quickly...except maybe for the cataloging?


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