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Re: [ARSCLIST] "Archival" DVD-R?

Understood! I just changed from Masterlinks to Sound Devices recorders (722 or 744T) as it downloads to computer by firewire - for partly that reason. A 4x burner is far too slow for my workflow. With the 744 I can transfer a two hour concert to Mac and burn two copies in less time than the Masterlink could burn one CD of one half of a concert. Or you can take out the CF card and keep recording and burn simultaneously...

You might also consider this brand new device:


as it looks as though Compact Flash and microdrives are a very efficient transfer mechanism...


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 11, 2005, at 9:32 AM, Konrad Strauss wrote:

on 8/10/05 1:36 AM, Lou Judson at inaudio@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

I always burn a "CD24" aiff CDROM as well for archiving my projects. I
believe there will be a better chance of readibility down the road...

For us it's really a matter of practicality. On some days we might have 4
recitals back to back. As much as we'd like to, there simply is not enough
time to burn CD 24s as well.

Konrad Strauss
Director of Recording Arts
Associate Professor of Music
Indiana University School of Music

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