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Re: [ARSCLIST] AV to DV - PC or Mac?

Without getting into a big long story, I've used PC's for the past 15
years. Before that I used Amiga's. The Amiga's were always better. Three
months ago I made the move to Apple. To put it bluntly PC's suck in
comparison. Apple rules.


On Fri, 17 Jun 2005 09:55:53 -0500 Klara Foeller <klf@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Colleagues -
> I'm at war with my supervisor on the subject of Macs vs. PCs when
> it
> comes to digitizing analog audio & video.  He has a bias against
> Mac,
> while all my periodical & on-line research, plus many consultations
> with
> colleagues in media archiving, broadcasting and production, clearly
> indicates that Mac is the strongly preferred system.
> Please send ammunition.  Especially if you can quantify in $$$
> and/or
> lost productivity.  All apocryphal stories welcome.
> Klara Foeller,
> Curator, Moving Image & Sound Collections
> Missouri Historical Society
> 314 746-4513

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