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That is good to hear. I have been wanting to evaluate their software but
haven't found the right project. I'm not sure it would help my free lance
transfer work, but I would be very interested in researching it more for an
audio archive.

They seem to have thought out many of the challenges of transfers, and the
quality control aspects are very interesting.

Joachim, do you find the quality control/quality assurance aspects of the
"looking for audio defects" in the program better in NOA than Cube-Tech?

That feature in itself is a very interesting one. I believe that NOA is set
up so one operator can ingest three sources at once.

Note that the interfaces to hardware are somewhat limited. I think the
Studer A820, A816, and A807 are supported. I'm not sure about the A812 or
A810. This is partially the case because it reads European coded leader
tape (there are apparently standards for Dolby encoded tape, etc., track
configuration, etc)



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Vignettes Media web: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/ Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX

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