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[ARSCLIST] Field Recording Formats

Does anyone out there have suggestions for a dependable field recording format? Here at the Folklife Center, we?re getting more and more queries about this. In recent years most audio fieldwork has been done on cassette or DAT, and even though both of those formats have a limited future, they have a large user base and may be preferable for the short run while the market decides just what will be available. That said, a lot of people are rushing to buy items such as portable CD recorders and Marantz?s flashcard recorder, moves that they may live to regret. Still others are using Minidisc recorders. One growing and intriguing possibility is laptop hard drive recording, which can be accomplished with various combinations of gear, but would seem to cost almost as much as a non-portable digital audio workstation.
Any suggestions or useful tales from the field would be appreciated. Thanks!
Matthew Barton
American Folklife Center
The Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4610
phone: (202) 707-1733
fax: (202) 707-2076
email: mbarton@xxxxxxx

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