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Re: [ARSCLIST] Superior disc cleaning technology

Jon Noring wrote:

> One aspect of this thread I'd like feedback on is cleaning systems
> specific to 78rpm shellac discs, to prepare them for transfer.
The Keith Monks "Archivist" machine was designed SPECIFICALLY for that task,
although it properly handles any record.  Dual chemistry/brush systems
instantly selectable, no "wash-up" required to change chemistry.

> As I've noted before, I'm exploring systems which can be used "in the
> field": throw the cleaning system (along with the other transfer
> equipment) in the trunk of a large car or a van and bring to collections
> for on-site raw transfers of a large number of records.
Rugged, reliable, safe, fast and relatively foolproof, although fools have
been known to be very ingenious!

> Do we really need a system as elaborate as these machines to meet the
> general requirements mentioned above?
Once you have seen one in operation, properly used and applied to the task,
you will be unlikely to permit a valuable shellac record to be cleaned on
any other machine.

Ask re-issue producer David Lennick... with perhaps 250,000 (yes that is
one quarter million) records, most being shellac 78's in his collection,
it didn't take him long to place an order for a Keith Monks "Archivist"
machine, which he uses many times a day.

As I said in an earlier message...
The way to find out for yourself is to come to ARSC in March

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's new CAMBRIDGE processes.

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