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Re: [ARSCLIST] [project-gramophone] Re: [ARSCLIST] Superior disc cleaning technology

Mike posted to project-gramophone:
> Jon Noring asked:

>>I've read the two recent messages about the Loricraft and Keith Monks
>>cleaning systems, so that adds some data points. Do we really need a
>>system as elaborate as these machines to meet the general requirements
>>mentioned above?

> I've used the disc doctor brushes and cleaner for a long while now. Hasn't
> destroyed a disk or label yet, affordable and portable. Just cleans
> records. I haven't found a vacuum system to be better at cleaning.
> www.discdoc.com

Transfer-wise, will discdoc be as good, most of the time, as using the
Keith Monks cleaning system (or comparable system)?

Time-wise, which one works faster (once setup)?

Both of these factors are important. The time of cleaning is
especially important for raw transfer of a large number of records
when done "in the field". And the quality of cleaning is important so
long as it makes a perceptible difference in the quality of transfer,
given everything else constant.

Jon Noring
Project Gramophone

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