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Re: [ARSCLIST] digital recording

I would strongly suggest you start with researching what
software/hardware you are looking at using (according to what you want
to accomplish - your needs), then buy the computer accordingly. Don't
rule out a Mac; they are alot easier to maintain.

Good, no, Great advice...except that neither PC nor Mac laptops (the
machines) "...are alot easier to maintain."
The machines generally work fine, it is the software that screws up what the
machines are supposed to be doing, and iMac and the iBook laptops are not
immune to difficulties.  My brother has been back to the shop with his iBook
more times than I would have expected...because of the operating system
(problems not unlike Microsoft).  In fact I was considering the iBook until
my brother told me of his problems.  Some years ago I had an Acer PC laptop
that was replaced by Acer three times...the third time before we started
using it, we tested it for viruses and we found it was being delivered with
an exec. virus that was deleting files...they were transferring the virus
from the company's own Microsoft OEM discs to the computer. I've had good
and bad experience with Radio Shack, Compaq, Acer, HP, Gateway laptops.
   Some of the bad, had to do with what I wanted to use it for, and not
having enough memory, storage, speed, et al.  It would probably help to be
able to test it out with the process you plan to use.  The same applies to
the software, and find what it doesn't do, that you need it to do (like
desktop publishing that doesn't handle 17x11 format for newsletters), before
buying it.

Paul T. Jackson - Trescott Research
Information Resources and Library Development
trescott@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:trescott@xxxxxxxxx>

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