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Re: arsclist Cataloging

Well, I was very happy when Morgan Cundiff, when head of the International
Piano Archives at Maryland, gave me photostats of its holdings of Backhaus
and Kempff. They contained very valuable matrix information. It was very
hard to read, though, and I made mistakes in copying. I prepared a Kempff
discograpy that got widely circulated to several people, including John
Hunt. I know this, since what I later found out were mistakes in reading
the photostats got perpetuated! This doesn't bother me, and my efforts got
praise in the International Piano Quarterly, which gave the web address of
one of several places it has appeared. What DOES irk me is that careful
efforts to distinguish a remake of some Brahms pieces from the original
(both on 10" English Decca and U.S. London) were in vain. My copiers
conflated the two issues, even though they obviously had my work in front
of them (repeating my mistakes in copying matrix numbers)!


On 2002-12-13, Joel Bresler opined [message unchanged below]:

> David Seubert  wrote:
> >  Our catalog tells our patrons what we have and describes the recording 
> > in enough detail to distinguish it from similar items. Collectors want 
> > discographies and libraries need catalogs and these will always need to 
> > be structured differently.
> Fair enough, but I get extremely frustrated with library records that don't 
> list songs. It seems to me that that should be part of any reasonable 
> "minimum set" of descriptive information. Agree that the 
> collectors/discographers can fend for themselves re: matrix nos., takes and 
> so forth.
> Best,
> Joel
> The Sephardic Music Project
> Joel Bresler, Publisher
> 250 E. Emerson Rd.
> Lexington, MA 02420 USA
> 781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
> joel.br@xxxxxxxxxxx
> www.sephardicmusic.com(forthcoming)

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