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arsclist Santa Barbara Conference Update


The updated program for the ARSC conference is now on the web at http://nico.library.ucsb.edu/arsc/. A few program changes have been made including the addition of a talk by the legendary Stan Cornyn, who's long career at Warner Brothers Records is detailed in the recent bestseller "Exploding: The Highs, Hits, Hype, Heroes, and Hustlers of the Warner Music Group." Stan will be signing books after his talk.

Hotel rooms at the Radisson must be booked by April 15th to receive the conference discount. The hotel has informed me that they will likely be sold out that weekend, so please book before April 15th! Early registrations need to be postmarked by April 20th but you will still be able to register at the door after that.

Please email me if you have any questions.

David Seubert, Chair
Local Arrangements Committee
36th Annual ARSC Conference
May 8-11 2002, Santa Barbara, CA.
805-893-5444 mobile 805-886-4554

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