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Re: arsclist volume Control

At 04:30 AM 3/13/2002 +0100, Graeme Jaye wrote:

Hi Wifeofgeorge00

Wifeofgeorge00> I'm trying to learn how to burn cd's from vinyl and
Wifeofgeorge00> i've run into a problem i haven't been able to solve.

I'm not sure this is the right group to clutter with this type of
thing, but I'll try and give you a couple of quick checks.

There are groups dedicated to such subjects. One to which I subscribe is at Yahoo! and termed Advanced_CDR. That is a misnomer; we address all levels of competence until we run out of our own.

Wifeofgeorge00> When i put the arm down onto the album to play it, the
Wifeofgeorge00> volume is very loud and i'm unable to control it
Wifeofgeorge00> either by the receiver volume control or the internal
Wifeofgeorge00> controls of the speakers. Any suggestions?

The odds are good from your description that you are using a speaker output from your receiver. On many counts, that is a very poor choice: high distortion, high noise level, problematic control of level are among them. If possible, you should use a tape output. If that's not available, then the headphone output is usually less bad than the speaker output.

There is substantial information on recording audio in any of the usual references: the CD-R FAQ, Roxio's WWW site and the primer at my site. My site also has a prominent link to an excellent British site dedicated to the subject.



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