WAAC Workshops

The next WAAC Workshop will be


Previous Workshops Offered by WAAC

Digital Photography for Conservators
at the Colorado History Museum
Preceding the 2007 WAAC Annual Meeting, Denver

"Spot Tests for Materials Characterization"
cosponsored by WAAC and AIC
Tucson, AZ
October 17-20, 2006

Packing and Shipping Works of Art
cosponsored by WAAC and AIC - Hosted by the Seattle Museum of Art
3 November 2003.

Lasers in the Conservation of Works of Art
Hosted by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
15 & 16 October 2001.

Digital Print Processes: Identification and Conservation
cosponsored by WAAC and Getty
Hosted by the J. Paul Getty Museum - 27 July 2001.

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