A Guide to Handling Anthropological Museum Collections

Straightforward text is paired with humorous illustrations in 41 pages of "do's and don'ts" of collection handling. A Guide to Handling Anthropological Museum Collections was written by Arizona State Museum conservator Nancy Odegaard and illustrated by conservation technician Grace Katterman. This manual was designed to be used by researchers, docents, volunteers, visitors, students, staff or others who have not received formal training in the handling of museum artifacts. Paperbound and printed on acid-free stock.

Also available in Spanish: La Guía para el manejo de colecciones antropológicas de museos.

Individual copies $8.95
Orders of 10 or more $6.60 each

Prices include shipping and handling in the US and Canada only. For overseas orders, contact the address below for prices. Make checks payable to WAAC drawn in US dollars on a US bank.

Send prepaid orders to (sorry, we do not bill):

Donna Williams
WAAC Fulfillments
Williams Art Conservation, Inc.
6234 Afton Place
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 462-2346
Fax: (323) 462-2394

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