Annual Meeting

Western Association for Art Conservation

Annual Meeting & Conference

Pacific Grove, California
September 30 - October 2, 2015

Area Hotels

Places to Stay

Conference attendees are strongly encouraged to stay on-site at Asilomar. It is a one-stop shop, with both room and board included in the price. The conference program and all evening activities will take place on the grounds.

WAAC has reserved a block of 50 rooms, which can be rented either as singles or as doubles.

Prices, which include both room and board, are as follows:

WAAC Annual Meeting--Asilomar price schedule

These can be reserved at

Any special demands, such as dietary restrictions or mobility requirements, can be discussed here. Logistics for those arriving or staying late, or for those accompanied by family members for part or all of the conference will also be taken care of here.

Free Wifi is available. Asilomar encourages disconnecting to reconnect, so there are no TVs, refrigerators, or microwaves in the rooms(though you can rend a fridge for an extra fee). Coffeemakers and tea/coffee are provided. Children are welcome!

Note: Any attendees who choose to stay off-site will be responsible for a daily facility and food charge of up to $90 PER DAY.

Note: There is no option for paying for room only. Attendees who choose to go off-site for meals will still be responsible for Asilomar food fees.

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