Annual Meeting

San Francisco, California

Sep 8-12, 2014

Call for Papers

The Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC) is accepting proposals for talks to be presented at the Annual Meeting at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, CA, September 8-11, 2014

We are seeking exciting and thought provoking papers in all areas of conservation and related fields. In the best WAAC tradition, a wide range of presentations are eligible for consideration. We are particularly interested in papers that push the boundaries and challenge the profession to re/consider roles, responsibilities, techniques, and ideas.

Please keep in mind that sessions at the meeting will be 20 minutes in length. However, suggestions for multi-session panels, incorporating multiple speakers, will also be welcomed.

Questions and proposals can be submitted to

Katie Holbrow

Please submit an abstract no later than July 1, 2014. Please see the Annual Meeting page for more info. For general queries regarding the Annual meeting please contact:


Teresa Moreno
WAAC President
Arizona State Museum
University of Arizona
PO Box 210026
Tucson, AZ 84721-0026
(520) 621-6314

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