Annual Meeting

Western Association for Art Conservation

Annual Meeting & Conference

Seattle, Washington
Sep 17-20, 2013

Daily Schedule

(Details of talks to be announced)

Wednesday September 18, 2013
Nordstrom Lecture Hall, Seattle Art Museum

9:00 am Welcome and Morning session
10:10-10:30am Coffee break (Simons Boardroom)
12:00-1:30pm Lunch on your own
1:30pm Afternoon session
3:00-3:30pm Coffee break (Simons Boardroom)
5:00pm Session ends
6:00pm Reception at Wright Exhibition Space
Thursday September 19, 2013
Nordstrom Lecture Hall, Seattle Art Museum

9:00 am Morning session
10:10-10:30am Coffee break (Simons Boardroom)
12:00-1:30pm Lunch on your own
1:30pm Business meeting
2:00pm Afternoon session
3:00-3:30pm Coffee break (Simons Boardroom)
4:30pm Session ends
5:00pm Walking tours of SAM's Olympic Sculpture Park
6:00-9:00pm Banquet
Friday September 20, 2013
Nordstrom Lecture Hall, Seattle Art Museum

9:00 am Morning session
10:10-10:30am Coffee break (Simons Boardroom)
12:00pm Session ends

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