Annual Meeting

2009 WAAC Annual Meeting

Western Association for Art Conservation

A few images of the 2009 Annual Meeting

Juneau, Alaska
August 19-21, 2009

This years conference was held in several locations around Juneau, Alaska including receptions at the Alaska State Museum (left image) and the Juneau Douglas City Museum (right image). The conference talks were held at the Juneau Arts and Culture Center, a.k.a. the JAC.

Images from left to right: Our hosts in Juneau: Ellen and Scott Carrlee with their son Carson; WAAC members enjoy the food and company at the opening reception hosted by the Friends of the Alaska State Museum; Linda Thibodeau, Director of Libraries, Archives and Museums, welcoming the WAAC membership to Juneau and thanking many of the members for their emergency recovery assistance in response to the flooding of the State Archives building on August 17, 2009.

Images from left to right: Opening remarks by Scott Carrlee; Ellen Carrlee speaking about her research into PEG treatments of waterlogged basketry; and Monica Shah speaking about the challenges of treating partially waterlogged wood artifacts onsite in Barrow, AK.

Images from left to right: Dennis Calabi discussing fads and classic treatments that have stood the test of time; Jennifer McGlinchey sharing her summer experiences during her summer internship with the Alaska State Archives>.

We were treated to the dancers of Yees Ku Oo at the August 20th evening reception at the Juneau Douglas City Museum.

Images from left to right: Objects conservator, Valery Monahan, speaking about conservation of archaeological material recovered from ice patch sites in the Yukon; Karen Zucker sharing a few experiences of descretion in conservation; Lower image: Michele Austin Dennehy speaking about the challenges of designing and constructing artifact mounts for the accessible cases in the Artic Studies Center at the Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center.

Images from left to right: Susanne Grieves talks about the conservation program at Scott's Terra Nova Hut Cape Evans, Antarctica, and Albrecht Gumlich shares his experience treating an architectural model of a home designed by John Lautner.

The conference ended with a banquet at the Thane Ore House with the Great Alaska Bluegrass Band. The setting around the banquet facilities was beautiful!

Photographs by Marie Svoboda and Albrecht Gumlich, 2009.

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