A few images of the 2008 Annual Meeting
Los Angeles,
The Getty Villa in Malibu
October 24-26, 2008
Images from left to right: opening remarks by David Bomford, Director of Collections, J. Paul Getty Museum; welcome and opening remarks by WAAC President, Susie Friend; Alice Paterakis discussing conservation at Kaman-Kalehoyuk including past research project and upcoming goals.
Images from left to right: a presentation on the Los Angeles Historic Resources Survey project by the manager of the Office of Historic Resources in LA, Ken Bernstein; Chair of the UCLA/Getty conservation training program and former GCI head scientist, David Scott talks about his ongoing passion for Egyptian pigments with his work on The Saites at the San Diego Museum of Man; the Friday evening reception held in the Conservation Courtyard at the Getty Villa.
Upper left: Tania Collas discusses mass fumigation of the infested automotive collection of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; upper right: GCI Project Specialist Kecia Fong discuses the Built Heritage Conservation Education project in Southeast Asia; lower image: Conny Hansen presenting her collaborative treatment of a Danish medieval polychrome alterpiece with Marcelle Andreasson Lunau.
Images from left to right: attendees catching up with one another during a coffee break; GCI scientist, and true balsam connoisseur, Alan Phenix presenting a pictorial history of turpentine; paintings conservator and WAAC Membership Secretary, Chris Stavroudis, presenting updates on The Modular Cleaning Program.
Images from left to right: paintings conservator and WAAC Member-at-Large, Camilla Van Vooren, presenting a collaborative project with objects conservator, Paulette Reading, the treatment of a Born to the West movie banner; objects conservator, Donna Williams, speaking about the treatment of Night Presence II by Louise Nevelson; incoming WAAC President, Scott Carrlee announcing the location of the 2009 Annual Meeting: Juneau, Alaska.
Mount maker, B.J. Farrar, presenting his and conservator Jeffrey Maish's search for alternatives to the recently discontinued Philly Seal R Epoxy Putty; an entertaining (and mouth watering) presentation by Leslie Rainer and Arlen Hegginbotham on Conservation of the Comestible; and Soko Furuhata wrapping up the conference with her much anticipated talk on the manufacture of contemporary Japanese paper.
See you next year!
Claire Dean demonstrates her digital stereocamera during a coffee break.
Photographs by Marie Svoboda and Albrecht Gumlich, October 2008.