Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books
A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

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three-knife trimmer

A cutting machine designed to trim all three edges of a book in two cuts but with only one handling of the book. The stack of books to be cut is placed in the machine and secured by the clamp. The fore edge knife makes the first cut, returns to its raised position, and the other two knives simultaneously cut the head and tail. If a book has too much sewing swell, a shaped piece of chipboard must be glued to the clamp to compensate for it, so that the same pressure is applied to both the fore edge and spine of the pile, otherwise the pull of the knives may cause the pile to shift due to the shearing action of the knives exerting a diagonal pressure. The three-knife trimmer is designed for relatively large numbers of books of the same dimensions, as in edition binding. See also: GUILLOTINE . (320 )

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