TEXCONS - Subject Thread Index for 07 2007

Last updated: Sat Jul 28 12:22:28 GMT 2007
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • pH textile, Lenka Dolanská
  • Re: Cleaning of Adipocere, Sarah Lowengard
  • Help, Joonsuk OH
  • NATCC Workshop Deadlines extended until September 1, 2007, Giuntini, Christine
  • interesting textile, Karin Von Lerber, Prevart GmbH
  • Re: deacidification, Jennifer Hadley
  • Schweppe Dye Books and Story Pest Management Books, Ballard, Mary
  • Jane Merritt/HFC/NPS has left her position with the NPS., Jane Merritt
  • Source of Fabric, Polly Willman

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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