TEXCONS - Subject Thread Index for 01 2007

Last updated: Fri Jan 26 08:39:38 GMT 2007
18 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • druggets, Frisina, Ann
  • Short contracts at Victoria and Albert Museum, London., Albertina Cogram
  • textile specialty group nominations, Valerie Soll
  • Fellowship at PMA, Reiter, Sara
  • Storage for curtains in Buenos Aires, Patricia Lissa
  • Use of Gloves and the Shroud's "restoration", wmeacham
  • 10-week summer conservation internships, National Museum of the American Indian, Heald, Susan
  • Pre-program graduate conservation internship, National Museum of the American Indian, Heald, Susan
  • Mellon Fellowship in Textile and Objects Conservation, National Museum of the American Indian, Heald, Susan

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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