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Quilt Symposium 2007



Traditions and Trajectories: Education and the Quiltmaker


Thursday, March 1- Saturday, March 3





We invite scholars and artists to submit proposals for papers and panel presentations that explore the full breadth of contexts, both formal and informal, in which the quiltmaker?s art is learned, studied, applied and handed on. This will include but is not limited to: historical to contemporary, local to global, mainstream to alternative, self-taught to apprentice, church group to cooperative, workshop to academic coursework. We also encourage participants to explore how quiltmakers teach and learn from quilts, how the tactile resonance of quilts influences the education of the women and men who work with them, how changing technol­ogy imposes changes in quilt and textile craft education. Though papers relating to the symposium theme will be given preferential consideration, papers concerning any aspect of quilt studies will be considered.


Categories of Presentation:


  • Individual papers are expected to be based on original research,  are

                usually illustrated and 20 minutes in length followed by 5 minutes for questions.

  • Thematic sessions should include 3 to 4 presenters and a moderator with a theme based on a particular aspect of education and the quiltmaker or some other theme related to worldwide quiltmaking traditions. Speakers' times are flexible; in general, a total time of one and a half hours is recommended. Panel participants must send a copy of their working paper to their session moderator by December 1, 2006. Thematic sessions addressing issues related to symposium exhibitions are encouraged.
  • Panel discussions should involve 3 to 4 individuals and a moderator who poses questions to which panelists respond. A total time of one to one and one-half hours is recommended for panel discussions.



Symposium Submission Guidelines:


Interested individuals should submit abstracts of 150-200 words with a cover letter and brief resume (maximum 3 pages). Moderators of thematic sessions or panel discussions should submit a proposal of 150-200 words, a cover letter, plus a brief resume (maximum 3 pages) for each participant. Abstracts/proposals should be faxed or postmarked no later than August 15, 2006.  (E-mailed submissions will be accepted.)


Submit your abstract/proposal and resume by August 15, 2006, to:


Kathy Moore, Symposium Coordinator

International Quilt Study Center

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

P.O. Box 830838

Lincoln, NE 68583-0838



Fax: 402/472-0640


Symposium Overview:


The International Quilt Study Center?s third biennial symposium will feature invited speakers, juried papers, thematic sessions, and panel discussions. Campus exhibitions and special exhibitions at a variety of venues in the Lincoln area supplement the two days of symposium.



Questions or more information contact:


Michael James



2007 Symposium Co-chair


Wendy R. Weiss



2007 Symposium Co-chair


Kathy Moore


Fax: 402/472-0640


Symposium Coordinator


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