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Accelarte ageing for modern txetiles samples

Dear everyone
        First of all I have the pleasure e-mailing yours again, I am Harby Ezzeldeen  I have master in textiles conservation and now I do my Ph.D about ?Enzymes Application of historical Textiles conservation?  I prepared samples for experimental (cleaning) part before applied part with historical samples, the modern samples from  1)uncolored linen textile.    2) colored silk textile that I dyed its with madder dye , safflower dye and mixture from madder and Safflower dye all samples dyed with alum mordent , After that I will applied stains and adhesives on samples, and I will do accelerate ageing for (modern samples with stains) , for cleaning processes by enzymes, for this reason I am seeking yours help about some cause as:-
1)      What type of ageing (light or heat) that suitable for my causes?
2)      What time for ageing?
3)      Are there equations as (?time of accelerate ageing = ?.. time of same samples in museum or in natural environment)?
4)      Are anyone do work or paper in this point to write in my Ph.D according to?..?
E-mail included attach with photos for modern samples. 
I wait yours help; finally please accept my deep thanks and my best wishes for alls.
Harby Ezzeldeen Hassan

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