TexCons - Subject Thread Index for Feb 2004

Last updated: Sat Sep 11 00:47:27 GMT 2004
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • dry rot, Joan Kiplinger
  • Textile Conservation Group Meeting Thursday March 18, 2004, Rebecca A Rushfield
  • Call for North American Textile Conservation Conference (NATCC) Board Member, Trupin, Deborah (PEB)
  • Re: A tentative presentation on the conservation of painted texti les in NYC on April 28, Reiter, Sara
  • ICOM-CC Textile Working Group Newsletter #19; DATED MATERIAL, Mary Ballard
  • A tentative presentation on the conservation of painted textiles in NYC on April 28, Rebecca A Rushfield
  • "Friend of ICOM-CC" membership now available, Mary Ballard

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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