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Re: Labeling

Tyvek can only be printed by laserprinter if you chose the appropriate
qualitiy for it. The name of this product is: Tyvek Brillion. You might want
to contact Du Pont directly for more information: their e-mail is:

With kind regards, Karin von Lerber

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Cyr [mailto:ncyr@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:35 PM
> To: texcons@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Labeling
> Hi Mary,
> I asked this question of the registrar's discussion list about a year but
> one gave any replies. I would like to be able to use a laser printer with
> powder toner not an ink jet printer to print accession tags. I wanted to
> know if tyvek would withstand the heat of the printer, not being willing
> mess up my printer by experimenting. Has anyone successfully tried to
> tags with a laser printer?
> Any way we can speed up the tag writing process, produce a completely
> legible tag, and assure its archival quality would be a great improvement
> over the hand written ones.
> I, too, look forward to hearing from anyone else who has experimented.
> Thanks, Nancy
> Nancy Cyr
> Museum Collections Manager
> The Goldstein:A Museum of Design
> University of Minnesota
> 240 McNeal Hall
> 1985 Buford Avenue
> St. Paul, MN 55108
> 612-625-2737 phone
> 612-624-9243 fax

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