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Re: WEdding gown cleaning

Dear Kiersten,

One of the best things you can do is to talk with someone who restores 
vintage wedding gowns, as a business.  I have a friend who does this daily, 
yet she is not a conservator.  Her name is Barbara Brown, tel. 860-642-4522,  
                318 Lebanon Rd.
                Franklin CT 06254

(She also has an email address, which she tries to ignore!)

Also, you should know about the International Fabricare Institute, in Silver 
Spring MD. They have a hand-out, "Wedding Goiwns: Professional Cleaners 
Care", which is of a general nature, but may answer some of your questions.  

I am in the process of restoring a c.l914 gown right now, and was able to wet 
clean it, rather than have it dry cleaned.  This is sometimes an option, and 
is one that Barbara pursues regularly.  She really has a lot of experience in 
this area, and I highly recommend that you speak to her, and use my name.

Michele Pagan

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