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Re: rust removal II

Technically what you describe as "rust spots" may not be rust (iron rust/lepidocrocite) but rather the color produced microbial damage which is based on a melanin type of chemical structure ("..tiny specks on old garments..."). The color may be quite similar but the source is quite different. This latter problem is best treated in a manner not related to actual rust stain removal. Both types of stains would suggest a tendered fabric substrate: the area that is stained will be, in all likelihood, significantly weaker than the unstained surround. 

>>> jkip@xxxxxxxxx 06/07/00 12:37PM >>>
        I'm new to this group and need information on rust removal. I
write a vintage fabrics column and many persons ask me how to remove
rust spots which are severe as well as the tiny specks from old garments
for fabric.
        I have not been able to get answers from professionals in the
        Fabrics in questions range from heirloom to those where storage
or long-term preservation is not necessarily the end goal (doll clothes
or children's clothes for example].
        There are several excellent commercial removers such as Carbona
but I have no idea the immediate or long-term effects of these products.

        Perhaps this group has some remedial suggestions.

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