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[padg] Preserving Photographs in a Digital World - Seminar

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“Preserving Photographs in a Digital World” Seminar

August 15-20, 2009 – George Eastman House, Rochester, New York


Sponsored by:

George Eastman House

Rochester Institute of Technology

Image Permanence Institute


A week-long program of lectures and workshops on photograph collection preservation techniques will expand your expertise on what materials are typically found in collections, how they deteriorate, how to store and protect them, and how preservation fits in with other collection activities.


Throughout the week, you’ll also learn about the use of digital imaging and how various image-capture, storage, display, and output strategies compare. In addition, presentations will explain the design and application of image database systems—always keeping in context the balance that must be struck between traditional and digital preservation and access.


Program Fee:  $1,495


For registration and further information visit http://www.imagepermanenceinstitute.org/shtml_sub/edu_ipigehseminar.asp or contact Stacey VanDenburgh at (585) 271-3361 ext. 323 or seminar@xxxxxxx



Douglas Nishimura

Image Permanence Institute

Rochester Institute of Technology


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