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[padg] archiving of Library web sites



A broad question with some clarification questions for you this fine post Midwinter Wednesday.


Does your Library archive the Libraries web site? (Please feel free to use your own personal definition of ‘archive’.) 

How often is this ‘archiving’ performed?

How deep into and out from the site does the archiving go?

Is there written policy and/or procedural documents that explain the process? Are they publicly accessible?

Who does the archiving? Your digital team? Or is it Preservation personnel?

Where are the files stored? Are the files accessible daily or are they in a dark archive?

Are the files forwarded to a trusted digital repository?

Is the institutional repository, if you have one, involved?


The list of questions could go on and on but you get the picture.


Feel free to either send to me directly or post to the list to see if we can get a discussion going.






Cathleen L. Martyniak

Chair, Preservation Department

University of Florida Smathers Libraries

Gainesville, FL 32611

(voice) 352 273 2830

(fax) 352 392 6597

(email) cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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