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[PADG:933] Re: using the Trusted Digital Repository Model (responses)

UNC-Chapel Hill is also drawing on the TDR model and our planning subcommittees are organized around the draft RLG/NARA audit checklist.

Andrew Hart
Preservation Librarian
CB#3910, Davis Library
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890
Tel. 919-962-8047
Fax 919-962-4450
Email: ashart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

S. Lamson wrote:

Hi all,
Below is a list of those institutions who replied to our query some time ago re: who is planning around the TDR model. With the exception of OCLC's Digital Archive Service (implemented around the TDR model), committees at the institutions below were either recommending the use of the TDR model as a planning document or using it as a self-audit:

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan
North Carolina State University
University of Oregon
OCLC's Digital Archive Service

Of course, this list is very likely incomplete given that it's missing some institutions quite involved in digital preservation.

Many thanks to all those who replied and shared their thoughts,
Stephanie and Ann

Stephanie Lamson
Assistant Preservation Librarian
Ann Lally
Head, Digital Initiatives
University of Washington Libraries

Earlier message:

For some committee work at the UW Libraries, we are interested in creating
a list of institutions currently planning around the Trusted Digital
Repository model (http://www.rlg.org/en/pdfs/repositories.pdf) and thought
it would be helpful to poll the PADG and DLF mailing lists. We would
appreciate your input and will summarize the info for the lists.

Many thanks,
Stephanie & Ann

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