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[PADG:2231] Digital Library Program Programmer


Princeton is building a digital library program, part of which will create content based on our collections for the web. We have seen the need for a full-time programmer dedicated to developing, recommending, maintaining all the software--front end, back end, middleware; content management, workflow--that will make our program work. For any of you with DLPs that employ full-time programmers, can you share with me your position descriptions for these programming staff? I hope to use the concepts in these PDs to fashion our own description, much as I did last year for a digital photographer. I would appreciate any assistance very much. Thank you.

Robert J. Milevski
Preservation Librarian, Digital Projects Librarian,
& Manager, Typography Studio
Princeton University Library
One Washington Road
Princeton, NJ 08544
(609) 258-5591
Fax:  (609) 258-4105
Email:  milevski@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Preservation Office website:

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