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[PADG:2092] Grant coordinator survey

In early June, many of you were kind enough to complete a brief survey for
me outlining the use of grant coordinators at your institution.  I promised
to compile the resulting data and forward a summarization to this list if
there was an expressed interest.  As some of you did want to be notified of
the results, I wrote up a short report, which I am attaching here. (It is in
MS Word 2000 format.  If you would like to but cannot open it, please
contact me off list and we can discuss other options.)   There is a small
summary of the project, a page of anonymous data results and some very broad
conclusions.  It turns out to be a very fascinating area of inquiry and I am
in contact with ARL about the possibility of publishing a SPEC Kit on the

Thanks to those of you who took the time to fill out the survey.  I very
much appreciate your time and effort.


Cathleen L. Mook
Head, Preservation Department
University of Florida
Box 117007
Gaienscille, Fl, 32611
(voice) 352-392-6962
(fax) 352-392-6597
(email) cathy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Survey Findings report.doc

Attachment: doc00000.doc
Description: "Description: MS-Word document"

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