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[PADG:1999] RE: Film duplicating services or facilities

Also, how much really is know at this point about the durability of DVD?

Gary Hough
Head, Cataloging and Processing Dept.
W.E.B. Du Bois Library
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
phone: (413) 545-6856
email: ghough@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

-----Original Message-----
From:	owner-padg@xxxxxxx [mailto:owner-padg@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	Thursday, April 10, 2003 3:47 PM
To:	padg@xxxxxxx
Subject:	[PADG:1992] Film duplicating services or facilities

We have a collection of motion picture film of varying sizes.  Can anyone
recommend film duplicating and dubbing service that can handle a collection
that has permanent value?  Our IT Services can dub 16 mm films, but they are
not trained or equipped to handle a collection like this.

We are considering duplicating the films to DVD's, but I have been advised
by one film archivist that the film base is still the most durable media.
Comments are welcomed on this point.

Patricia Morris
Faculty Director, Preservation Department
University Libraries
University of Colorado at Boulder
184 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0184
303/492-3849 FAX 303/492-0494

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